Is a Tricamp a good idea for a family vacation? While your triathlete may be enamored of the idea, is it the best choice for your family? Well, it’s an excellent question and can be a resounding yes, IF it’s the right Tricamp. As part of our Kids In Tow series, we are taking a look at Tricamps to help you decide if they are right for your family.
There are actually several different types of camps. There are Tricamps geared for triathletes to train or perfect technique and then there are Tricamps geared for the family to share in. And, in our opinion, Tricamps are a much better vacation than one where your triathlete tries to train on his/her own. If an athlete is going to be out training for 4-6 hours a day, wouldn’t you rather be around like-minded families than doing it on your own?
This short series will feature a few specific Tricamps over the coming weeks, but until then, here are the basics.
Tricamps geared for the athlete.
These are camps that go morning until night and are usually held at a race site or training area. They are also generally run specifically for training and improving technique as a triathlete, so can be quite training-intensive. They are often run by race organizations or coaches. While they may be great for the athlete, they can be more limiting for the family. Just be sure to research what activities are available in the area to keep the family occupied.
Tricamps geared for the family.
These camps are designed specifically for the family. Usually, they are run by a Triclub or a race site. They allow for and encourage family time and have events specifically designed around families.
The camps we love offer:
- 2-3 workouts/meetings a day for a total of no more than 6 hours
- are at a location that offers a lot to do for the WHOLE family
- have scheduled family time and activities for kids of all ages
- have meetings for trisupporters to join in when talking about nutrition
- offer great healthy food
Tricamps on your own.
This is where you decide to vacation at a race site and your athlete says he/she will train while you are there. As you can imagine, it certainly cuts into family time and being unstructured, can cause stress and strain for all. It would be a great idea to discuss details ahead of time in terms of how to achieve a balance between athlete and family time.
So, there you have the basics. It is up to you to decide if the Tricamp is right for your family. Remember, we will be giving some examples of Tricamps in the coming weeks. Stay tuned…..

Sherry is one of the TriWivesClub and LifeDoneWell co-founders and contributes to multiple blogs. She is a former co-owner of the California Apparel News and had a career in the healthcare industry. Her passions include traveling, real food, the environment, and animal rescue/welfare. She lives a healthy lifestyle and has been a vegetarian since 1987. She and her husband are parents to two rescue pups and reside in Connecticut.