We have found over the years that living with a triathlete provides many unforgettable and often unbelievable statements that give pause. Some of what comes out of their mouths just has to be shared. But, we’ve also found it’s not just the triathlete that utters these comments; we’re often just as guilty as is the rest of the family. So, we decided in the spirit of being good trisupporters, we would share some of them. We’re starting off with a few gems from November to initiate our TOP 10 QUOTES OF THE MONTH series. We’re sure you have your fair share, too. So, get ready to spill.
- After we spend a ½ hour talking about the number of calories in salad dressing, grains, veges, etc. and him scanning half the pantry into his Lose It app: No, I am not obsessed. Can you buy one of those scales that measures food portions?
- As he stuffs his briefcase with 2 tupperware containers, an apple, and a homemade granola bar and heads out the door to work: My briefcase is no longer a briefcase, but a lunchbox. What am I 10?
- As he and his friend are dressing to go on a bike ride one winter morning, he says to his friend: You’re going to be too hot in that jacket. It’s not cold, it’s 27.
- After taking a 9 month “pause” and getting into golf instead of triathlons: I’m doing California, Germany, and Arizona next year. It’s time to get serious.
- After announcing his new race schedule, he’s gung ho the next morning and says he’s doing a 1 ½ ride that night. That night, he calls and says: I’m not working out tonight, I’m too sleepy.
- As he gets marked for his first race, you realize for the first time that everyone is now going to know about how old YOU are and he goes: So what! It’s for a good cause. Just doesn’t get it…..
- He asks if it’s okay if a few friends come over on a Saturday afternoon. You say sure, but he adds: Oh, we’re just going to hook a few bikes up to the CompuTrainer, so we can have a little friendly competition. Just because it’s winter, doesn’t mean race seaon’s over.
- After a good swim class: It was my new speedo that made me faster.
- Just had to announce: I burned so many calories working out that I’ve started the day net negative. Really!!!!!!
- And one from a crazy triwife: I love living with a triathlete. It gives me 3 more hours in my day and the inspiration to run. I love 4:30 AM. Call me crazy! We do……

Sherry is one of the TriWivesClub and LifeDoneWell co-founders and contributes to multiple blogs. She is a former co-owner of the California Apparel News and had a career in the healthcare industry. Her passions include traveling, real food, the environment, and animal rescue/welfare. She lives a healthy lifestyle and has been a vegetarian since 1987. She and her husband are parents to two rescue pups and reside in Connecticut.
They do have a way with words don’t they, but we love them anyway.