The day before the race, while all the athletes are off their feet resting and feasting, it is the perfect time for a little trisupporter TLC.
Last year in Kona, while our athletes all rested, triple checked their race bags, quadruple checked their bikes, sat, ate, drooled over the bikes entering bike check in, and repeated, we high-tailed it out of there. In the past, we have used this day to explore the island, shop, zip line, among other activities, but last year, our go-to girl, Local Expert Kathy Boyd, recommended a different type of exploring.
After a quick stop at the King K shop to pick up a bottle of champagne, four triwives piled into our rental jeep and headed south to the mountainside. After a scenic drive, we arrived at Mamalahoa Hot Tubs and Massage. This beautiful facility is located just a short drive from Kona and up in the hills of south Kona.
Upon arrival, we are escorted at the entrance up a short path to the spa where we change and head to our outdoor hot tub. After sliding into the warm water, we spend time catching up, laughing, talking about our athletes, talking about our passions, and just relaxing. Our time ends way too soon, when we were pulled away for, oh darn, fabulous massages!
Side note – on any other pre-race day, there is a good chance that our “A” type trihubbies would call a few times, but this day they don’t. Why? Well, they too realize what a year of training and getting them to Kona is like on the family and know that this day with our trifriends, who we see once or twice a year, is so very special for us. This is what keeps us trisupporters and not triwidows.
For the next hour, there is nothing but silence from the four of us. The only sounds heard are birds chirping and waterfall-like rushes. Once we are done with our massages, with a tear in our eye we say, “see you next year” – we can only hope – to Mamalahoa and head back down to the Queen K. From there, we head north for a short drive to the Strawberry Patch restaurant; a small roadside eatery that is just so cute. The food is wonderful and they are happy to squeeze whatever fruit is fresh to mix with your champagne. We chose passion fruit on this particular day.
Rhubarb strawberry salad at the Strawberry Patch Hawaii.
After a long lunch full of more catching up, laughing, and firmly reestablishing our friendships, we pile in the jeep and head back to Kona and our trihubbies. We find them sitting in the grass of the King K, watching bike check-in and waiting for their turn. So predictable, but so comforting at the same time. Life is good……

Sherry is one of the TriWivesClub and LifeDoneWell co-founders and contributes to multiple blogs. She is a former co-owner of the California Apparel News and had a career in the healthcare industry. Her passions include traveling, real food, the environment, and animal rescue/welfare. She lives a healthy lifestyle and has been a vegetarian since 1987. She and her husband are parents to two rescue pups and reside in Connecticut.