

are souther states like texas places triathlon families can call home
in Home, Life with a Triathlete

Favorite Southern States Triathletes Can Call Home

Welcome to a new TriWivesClub 4 part series on the favorite states that triathletes can call home. Each will feature our favorite states, along with a few featured cities. The series will be divided into the south, west, midwest, and the northeast. Now, we realize you midwesterners and east coasters may have it tough in the winter, but the other regions have it tough in…

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in Home, Life with a Triathlete

Austin and Jack & Adam’s Bicycles – Triathlon Travel Destinations

Austin is not just a travel destination, but it is also a top triathlon travel destination and no one knows that better than the folks at Jack & Adams Bicycles, owned by Jack Murray & Stacy Keese.  Seven years ago when my husband decided to get into this crazy sport, he asked around, looked on line, and was determined to find “the best” triathlon store in…

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in Food & fun, Kids in Tow, North America, Restaurants, The Sport of Spectating


On Monday, May 26,  3000 triathletes from first-timers to pros, will be in downtown Austin for the Life Time Tri’s CapTex.  When you think about all the famous and most visited attractions in downtown Austin, these triathletes will swim, bike, and run right past them.  This was THE FIRST triathlon my husband ever did and this year will be the last one he races as…

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