I was off on a 3 week adventure when Ricardo sent me this wonderful, sexy new hard case 4 wheel roll on. I am one of those “stuck on my luggage” people. I like what I have been using for years, only because it’s what I know. But, I have aways had hard case envy when I see them rolling through the airport. I was so excited.
My adventure took me to Florida for a week and then off to China straight from Florida. After 5 wonderful days in Orlando, I checked the weather in China and the temperature had changed a lot. Plus, I had received some great items in Florida, but didn’t need to drag them to China. Truth is, I already had 2 rolling bags to check, plus a duffel bag all ready for the spectacular finds I would buy in China and bring home to Omaha.
As I was staying in the Hyatt at the airport, I checked with the concierge about shipping a box back to my house. They didn’t have boxes, so she recommended that I ship an extra suitcase home. I wanted my duffel bag with me, so my sexy new black cherry Ricardo was my only choice. But, I was so worried! The concierge was very sweet to assure me that the Fed-Ex sticker would not leave a mark and that it would be okay. There was no way I wanted my new luggage scratched! Three weeks later I returned to find my Ricardo sitting in my kitchen, not damaged at all. The sticker came off easily and we have since traveled together a few times. And, very happily I might add.
Packing in my Ricardo Elite Roxbury 2.0 for weekends is getting easier, although it took me some time to give up my old luggage. The only two issues I am having with it is my tea does not rest as well on the top of it as on my old luggage and when on an airport connector you need to hold on to it, so that it does not roll away. Other than that, I love my new Ricardo 4 wheeler and would definitely recommend.
Disclosure: I was provided with the Ricardo Elite Roxbury 2.0 by Ricardo Beverly Hills for my review. I was not otherwise paid for this article. All opinions are my own.

I am a home cook that does things my way. In my kitchen, I make breakfast, pack lunches, prepare snacks, and cook dinner. During the week, we eat real food that is homemade, organic, and local. On the weekends we do explore more of our local restaurants. I bake my own bread, juice fresh oranges every other day, and make my own kombucha and other weekly favorites.