Over the years, I have worked hard to provide my family with the best environment I possibly can. I use organic and real foods in the house. I bake, I cook, and I work hard to make healthy and clean eating easy for my family. I use all organic and/or natural products where I can. I am in no one over the top and like I said, I try hard!
We are not a medicine taking family. We prefer to find natural ways to cure ailments. For example, when I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, I did not listen to the doctor and start taking a ton of pain meds and anti-inflammatory meds. Instead, I started to do research AND found a new doctor. From being stuck in bed in pain for much of the day, I worked with my doctor and together, we developed a plan that works for me. I started with physical therapy and massage, use arnica, and changed my diet. A little late to the game, but when it fit into my life, I have decided to use essential oils. After months and months of research and picking up an essential oil here and there, I found Young Living.
We began our journey with the Starter Kit and the diffuser that was included. I was a bit nervous to learn all about it, but it is easy and not only did I find the Young Living community to be amazing, but the product matches my lifestyle. They are the purest form of essential oils I have found.
David was a little like,” yeah sure, this will work”, but willing to try. All I have to say is after a week with our diffuser and just the lavender in it at night, we are sleeping so well. These two old folks are sleeping through and waking up so rested! We don’t even get up to go to the bathroom! Totally serious!
We laughed. How on earth could a sniff of this or a rub of that help to improve my family’s health or well-being? My dear friends helped me to understand so much more. I am not into re-inventing the wheel, so I would like to share with you the additional information that sold me on my journey of using essential oils as well as how you can give it a try.
But, before I explain why essential oils are so great, you might be wondering what they actually are!
What are essential oils?
Essential oils are the oil of the plant from which they were extracted. They’re basically concentrated herbs! They contain all the goodness that protects and maintains the plant and we can use them to help support our own bodies’ health and wellness.
There are many different kinds of oils out there and they all have different properties and uses. From well-known plants like Bergamot and Eucalyptus to unusual and exotic ones like Petitgrain and Spikenard. There’s an unfathomably huge range to choose from – and they each provide all sorts of different benefits and uses.
How can essential oils help promote the health and wellbeing of you and your family?
I’m no doctor, specialist or scientist (and you probably aren’t either), so I’ll explain how essential oils have helped us.
If you know me or follow me on this blog or in social media, you now my life is a bit crazy, as is the life of my husband and twins, but we LOVE it! Lavender and Stress Away are my go-to oils for balance; they relax me, calm me down, and make everything possible.
David and I use straight Lavender at night in the bedroom and we sleep and wake up like really rested!
I am now in the process of replacing non-homemade and non-real items in our house and bodies to essential oils and essential oil products.
I am in the process of making essential oil infused cleaning products for the house and learning more about how it can help all of us in the ways we need.
Can you just use any essential oils?
In my opinion, no. I’ve done a lot of research into this and if you ask me, there’s one particular brand that stands head and shoulders above the rest: Young Living.
Introducing Young Living Essential Oils!
There are many reasons why this brand is so great, but here are my three favorites:
- The source matters. One of the most important things I’ve learned over my many years is that I need to know more about where each item I use comes from and how it is processed as it makes a huge difference. I did many hours of research to find an essential oil company that I felt I could trust with my family’s health. Young Living is that company. They truly care about quality. To ensure the purity of their oils, the team at Young Living set the highest standards for planting, harvesting, and distilling on the farms they own and co-op. I am getting back to the basics and I want to know they’re pure and unadulterated!
- You become part of a big, friendly community. As a Young Living customer, you automatically become a member of a big oily family that will give you all the support and advice you need! It’s a wonderful feeling to know you have the help and reassurance of a generous and caring community of moms, experts, and lifelong users. I am new to the Young Living family, but in my short time, the community has helped me with all my questions and the resources are invaluable.
- The Young Living Premium Starter Kit is the best introduction to essential oils (and it’s such great value, too). No other essential oils company offers such a great value and comprehensive range of products to get you started. The Young Living Premium Starter Kit contains your everyday staples – all the oils and equipment you’ll want to have on hand for a variety of situations. There’s an excellent user guide, too, which will help you understand how to use everything contained in the kit.
Here’s what else is great: once you buy the Premium Starter Kit, you automatically become a “wholesale member” of Young Living. This means you can continue to buy other Young Living products for a huge 24% discount off the retail price! You’re under zero obligation to buy any other products as a wholesale member, but if you do, you get 24% off!
Ready to buy your Young Living Premium Starter Kit?
Here’s what you get:
- Ten 5ml bottles of essential oils: Lavender, Peppermint, Lemon, Frankincense, Copaiba, PanAway, Thieves, Purification, DiGize, and R.C. Plus, you get a bonus bottle of the popular Stress Away blend. (Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see how I use these essential oils every day).
- A home diffuser with optional light, optional 30-second intervals, and auto-shut-off.
- Aroma Glide roller fitment (to turn any oil into a roll-on).
- Two sample packets each of Lavender, Peppermint, Peace & Calming, Lemon, and Thieves (for you to share with your friends).
- Two NingXia Red 2oz samples (an antioxidant drink concentrate that’s a great supplement for supporting health and well-being).
- 10 sample bottles to share with friends along with sample cards with information on how to use them.
- Total value: $300
RIGHT NOW FOR A LIMITED TIME this new kit is only $150– that’s a huge savings!!!
And remember: once you’ve purchased the kit, you automatically become a wholesale member – which entitles you to 24% off all future purchases from Young Living! There are NO monthly minimums or fees.
Here is a step-by-step guide to purchase your Premium Starter Kit:
- Click on the link below to sign up.
- Select “Sign up as: Young Living Wholesale Member” – which will allow you to purchase the Premium Starter Kit.
- Remember: you’re NOT obligated to make any further purchases after this. Wholesale membership simply allows you to buy the Premium Starter Kit at a huge discount.
- Fill out your name, billing address, shipping address, and contact information. (You’ll be asked for your social security number in case you want to become a distributor of Young Living products in future. This information will never be shared with anyone.)
- Create your password and PIN – which you’ll use to log in to your account and order any future oils.
- Select your order: the “Premium” or “Basic” Starter Kit. You also get to CHOOSE which diffuser you want from 4 options: the Home Diffuser, the Dew Drop Diffuser, the Bamboo diffuser, or the Aria diffuser. I highly recommend the Premium Starter Kit: it comes with everything you need to get started, and it’s the best value!
- Optional: sign up for the frequent buyers’ club called Essential Rewards (ER). When you join, you’ll start accumulating rewards points for everything you buy, which can be used to get free products on future orders. There’s no need to join right away – you can purchase your Starter Pack first and join the ER club later if you prefer.
- Agree to the Terms & Conditions.
- CONFIRM YOUR ORDER! I’ve had many folks miss this step and end up not fully checking out – and I don’t want you missing out on your oils!
Order your starter kit here now!
Each of the oils in your Premium Starter Pack has SO many fabulous uses:
- Calming and balancing – we all know that ahhh feeling we get from Lavender!
- Supports a healthy nervous system and healthy skin.
- Love to add to bath salts this way
- Supports a healthy and balanced digestive system.
- Wakes you up! Great to use before a workout!
- I love it in my homemade lip balm.
- Stained clothes? Rub the oil all over the stain, then immediately put the item in the washing machine. Works like no other stain remover – even on dried-out stains!
- Works great as a natural ‘goo’ gone on those pesky sticker labels.
- Love to add a drop to my water to support a healthy liver.
- Prized for rejuvenating and supporting healthy aging skin.
- Beautifully spiritual to diffuse while praying or meditating.
- Immune boosting!
- I take this daily in my Ningxia Red Shot for overall wellness.
- Combine with egg whites for an amazing hair mask that’s nourishing to the scalp!
PanAway (an oil blend containing wintergreen, helichrysum, clove, and peppermint):
- Supports a healthy muscular-skeletal system.
- My kiddo loves this one for when she wakes up in the night due to occasional growing discomfort.
- Awesome immunity booster – I love to make this foot rub with it.
- Excellent essential oil for use in homemade cleaning recipes.
- Diffuse as a germ repellent.
Purification (an oil blend containing citronella, lemongrass, lavandin, rosemary, tea tree, and myrtle):
- Add a few drops to shoes to help neutralize odors.
- Soothes bug bites.
- Add a few drops to some baking soda as a carpet deodorizer.
- I also make my own deodorant with this blend.
- 2 drops after every meal supports my digestion!
- Learn more about it here.
- I use this amazing blend in a homemade chest rub.
- I also love to diffuse R.C. at night to sleep well and breathe easy.
When you sign up, I would love to send you my favorite travel companion. As you know, I travel a lot and this allows me to take the oils I want to have on hand with me. You can use it for travel or storage. It holds 10 oils. Please email me at momsgoodeats@yahoo.com to CLAIM your enrollment gift, once you enroll.
I hope you, like me, totally enjoy this new adventure with essential oils to enhance what you are already doing for yourself and your family.
PAID ENDORSEMENT DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog.

I am a home cook that does things my way. In my kitchen, I make breakfast, pack lunches, prepare snacks, and cook dinner. During the week, we eat real food that is homemade, organic, and local. On the weekends we do explore more of our local restaurants. I bake my own bread, juice fresh oranges every other day, and make my own kombucha and other weekly favorites.