One of my family’s greatest pleasures is being outside. No matter where we move to or travel we also search for the closest parks, hiking areas, and bodies of water to explore.
Two weeks ago we moved to Omaha, Nebraska and are living downtown in an apartment so finding the closest parks is even more of a priority. Over the years, my husband has taught us all a love of the outdoors, hiking, rock climbing, camping and more.
While living in Austin, Texas, visiting the Greenbelts and State Parks were part of our everyday life with the kids and dogs. So before we arrived in Omaha my search began. A friend introduced me to Discovertheforest which has made my search so much easier. All you need to do in enter your zip code. I found 13 State Parks, Natural Areas and National Parks all within 15 miles of my home with one click! Life just got easier.
Since finding this site, I also used it for an upcoming adventure to the Florida Keys with our cousins little ones. They are most excited about the great tools for parents including the guides and Jr. Ranger program. We have also already printed out The Book of stuff to do outside. We will be better prepared to help little ones with all the activities included to make our trip even more valuable.

Cousins that hike together wherever we travel!
So, if you are looking for me tomorrow, check one of the Discover Forest areas near me. We are getting up, going to the farmers market to get yummies for a picnic lunch, and heading out to explore the forests near our new home!
Check out this great new video from our friends of Discover the Forest.

I am a home cook that does things my way. In my kitchen, I make breakfast, pack lunches, prepare snacks, and cook dinner. During the week, we eat real food that is homemade, organic, and local. On the weekends we do explore more of our local restaurants. I bake my own bread, juice fresh oranges every other day, and make my own kombucha and other weekly favorites.
Nice resource. Had never heard of, but will put to use. Thanks.