Okay, moms, let’s talk reality! We honestly do have the best laid out plans, but how many times do we forget about us in those plans? And, it’s not simply forgetting, but rather it’s pushing our needs aside to meet those of our kids, significant others, four-legged kids, getting settled in a new house and community, and then all those wonderful things we volunteer for. In my quest for getting fit at 46, I’ve had a few slip-ups.
As a perfect example, this just happened to me recently…
Wow, my lack of attention to my health really caught up with me. While I’ve had aches and pains the past few months, it’s been nothing like what recently hit me. For 6 years, I have been managing degenerative osteoarthritis. Prior to our move, I was loyal to taking care of myself. I had a routine, was established with my doctors and therapists, and kept to my schedule. I ran, did physical therapy twice a week, and had a weekly massage; all to keep the pain and stiffness under control, which I did with great success, I might add.
Then, the move happened and while I thought I was continuing to manage my arthritis, what I really was doing was neglecting. I guess I thought managing, like most women who have a family think managing, – kids, dogs, husband, work, house, finding new physicians and therapists, and establishing ourselves in the community all come first. So, what should have been my 3 month appointment, well, it was like 3 months late…So, guess how I managed? Think white wine and Advil. Not exactly the healthy choice…
Now, I’m a mess and was told my by new doctor that I have to stop running for 4 – 6 weeks. Huge disappointment. Running is my saving grace. It makes me happy, confident, and keeps me in my groove, so to speak. It also makes me feel like I’m a part of the athletic lifestyle with my triathlete, if that makes sense. We have a bit of bonding over talking about our runs during dinner and this makes me smile. What makes this even worse is it’s the second time I’ve been sidelined within the year – first time was due to an injury – and so, I know it takes a while to bounce back and reestablish my routine.
After a long “talk” with my husband, I am now back in the mending stage. So, what am I doing? I started physical therapy 3 times a week and am getting massages once a week. I know you probably aren’t feeling sorry for me, but the massages really are great therapy for the arthritis and work well for me. I can at least do short walks on the treadmill and use the recumbent bike now, too.
I did actually come up with a plus side of all this…If I had to be sidelined for a while, I guess now is the best time. With the high today at a balmy 9 degrees and zero with the wind chill factor, it’s time to move inside anyways…
Oh, and I certainly came away from this experience with my Lesson Learned and while you have undoubtedly heard this before, it bears repeating. Moms – Make sure that you take care of yourself, so you will be able to take care of everyone else, too! And, if you, like me, don’t listen to what was just said, make sure you have plenty of white wine on hand to ease the pain…

Sherry is one of the TriWivesClub and LifeDoneWell co-founders and contributes to multiple blogs. She is a former co-owner of the California Apparel News and had a career in the healthcare industry. Her passions include traveling, real food, the environment, and animal rescue/welfare. She lives a healthy lifestyle and has been a vegetarian since 1987. She and her husband are parents to two rescue pups and reside in Connecticut.