We know that each trifamily is different and we know the importance of sharing. So, we wanted to take some time and tell you about our typical days in training season. For all of us triwives, this is a way of life that we support and like to make part of our family lifestyle. Over the next few weeks, we will share with you how a typical Saturday morning in a triathlete house looks like in our homes and we would love to hear about what it looks like in yours. We started a few weeks ago with Jodi. So, share all you trisupporters!!!
Dana’s up next with a typical Saturday morning at her house…….
Saturdays are typically long ride days in our house and start about 40 minutes before the sun comes up. We, as a family, decided that Saturdays are long ride days for one reason – the kids! Our son is a competitive gymnast and leaves at 7:45AM and gets back between 11 and noon. Our daughter tends to schedule dance rehearsals or choreography jobs on Saturday mornings, knowing they are long ride days and that we can all gather for lunch at home afterwards. Side note: Next year will be a whole different scenario as the kids will be off to college. (Shouldn’t have gone there; tears welling up; getting sad…..) Okay, back to the task at hand.
WE start early, as my trihubby likes a little something to eat before he gets on that bike. Breakfast is not huge , an egg or tofu scramble and 1/2 avocado. Then, it is off to the garage – his workout area – me with a cup of tea. See, I do have an ulterior motive for getting up early with him and it’s really not just to fix him breakfast! This is the time we get a chance to have a few minutes to ourselves. It’s great talk time while trihubby preps his bike for the ride. Then, he gives me his route and he is off; generally for 4-6 hours, getting him home no later than 1:30 ish. Typically, bricks don’t start until later in the season, usually around late March. Then, our days start even earlier, allowing for the timing to remain the same for lunch. Priorities!
Once trihubby is off, then the kids start coming down for breakfast. Typically, Saturday morning breakfast is fed at the kitchen counter in a rotating fashion, with three rounds served.
Once the last child is off, it’s all about ME. What I like most about Saturday mornings is that I also get a run in once everyone has left and then a long bath – me time – before I even have to think about starting lunch, even on short ride days. I also dream of the solo vacation I had to Greece a few years back and that breakfast on the patio in Santori. Aaaaaah…..
Lunch is always big on Saturdays. Our favorite is a big salad and grilled fish or when cold, chili or soup with a salad.
Grilled fish.
After lunch, the kids tend to go their separate ways, depending on which activities are on their schedules. David and I are then free to run errands, have a chat, go to a movie, or just chill. At least until it’s time to start dinner…..
Next up: Sherry’s Saturdays

Sherry is one of the TriWivesClub and LifeDoneWell co-founders and contributes to multiple blogs. She is a former co-owner of the California Apparel News and had a career in the healthcare industry. Her passions include traveling, real food, the environment, and animal rescue/welfare. She lives a healthy lifestyle and has been a vegetarian since 1987. She and her husband are parents to two rescue pups and reside in Connecticut.
I spend a lot of time running errands and shuttling the kids to sporting events. Don’t get a lot of me time. Jealous about the bath…..
I know it’s hard to carve out time for yourself, but necessary. Sounds like you’re in need of a spa day.