This year feels very odd to me. We only have one race on the schedule, IMAZ. It was my trihubby’s first Ironman and will remain special in that way. I am very excited to go back, but it seems super weird that the season is starting so late and may only have one race on the schedule. But, I was truly taken aback when he said he needed to wait a bit to plan the rest of the season. I pushed for him to pick other races, but he was dragging his feet. As a triwife, I was worried that there was an issue he wasn’t telling me about. Turns out there wasn’t, he just knew deep down he needed a break. But, surprise, turns out there was an issue for me – how to cope with his need to regroup & refocus.
Training these days seems different, more flexible, or should I say more relaxed. My trihubby does not stress if there is a missed workout or even if he takes a day off. In fact, he recently took a whole week off, not planned and not a vacation. Just an “I need a break from my regular schedule” time out. Granted, we have a crazy couple of months coming up, besides his new job: building our home in a city we are not living in; selling our current house and moving; and then sending our twins off to travel the world and then to college. Not TOO much on my athlete’s plate to think about.
I fully believe that the body gets to a point, no matter how hard we try, that even these good life cycle events cause stress. Even if we don’t think we are stressed, the body lets us know it is time to slow down and take a break and that it’s ok. This time out allows both the body and brain to regroup and refocus.
All of a sudden, we have an additional 3-4 hours a day not to think about wattage and heart rates and getting up at 4:30 am, but about these wonderful events in our life. If we let it, wattage, heart rate, stroke rate, fartleks, and other tri talk can take over. Don’t get me wrong, working out is great and triathlons are a wonderful way of life, but sometimes life and triathlons need a separation from each other. Pushing through these feelings can actually make it worse and cause resentment towards the sport, which can cause people to drop triathlons all together. Something I definitely don’t want to see happen. Finding that balance and listening to your body and not becoming obsessed with all the triathlon talk will actually make things better in the end. It’s just making sure your triathlete and/or trisupporter heed the warning signs and do what is necessary to bring the balance back.
Like all things, I know this will not last and once things settle down a bit, I am sure we will be rushing to find charity or XC spots in a race or two. Thus a rush for a hotel, Tribike Transport, and flights. But for now, I will learn to embrace, as Sherry says, his self-imposed break and cherish the extra time we have together to just enjoy our life….

Sherry is one of the TriWivesClub and LifeDoneWell co-founders and contributes to multiple blogs. She is a former co-owner of the California Apparel News and had a career in the healthcare industry. Her passions include traveling, real food, the environment, and animal rescue/welfare. She lives a healthy lifestyle and has been a vegetarian since 1987. She and her husband are parents to two rescue pups and reside in Connecticut.