We would be remiss not to include Fabulous Finds for our spouses. With this week’s offering, we will start to include the men in our life and what they love. Ours are athletes so we’ll be throwing in a bit of athletic wear and gear in the mix in upcoming posts. This week’s items are some we found and others they found. Regardless, they are items they don’t want to live without. We hope you find these Fabulous Finds for men in your life equally as great.
4 Ocean Bracelets
They say when the cat’s away the mice will play. Well, that happens in my house with my travel schedule. Hubby gets bored at night and searches for things that interest him on the computer. Sometimes he finds things that make me go, “Ugh”, but others make me say “What a great find!” 4 Ocean Bracelets is an example of the later.
We love fly fishing so the protection of our oceans has not only been important to us, but has become a passion. He had read about many different organizations doing work in this area and found 4 Ocean. We not only love the work, but that he can share and pass the message on to others. Besides his money, he can share a conversation piece, the bracelet.
By purchasing just one bracelet you are taking one pound of trash from the coast and/or ocean. If we do not act now to stop the pollution to our waters and take the crap that is thrown in our oceans out, by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans. I only hope it’s not too late for our coral reefs.
Buy one today for yourself and one for someone else to share the story and pass the message. I cannot tell you the number of people who stop my husband and ask about them.
RHONE Commuter Pants
The gym my husband goes to has a RHONE store in it so he has a few athletic shirts and shorts and likes the look and quality. But when he found their Commuter Pants, he actually got excited about a piece of clothing. They come in a variety of colors, wear great, are super comfortable, and lightweight. According to him, “They are one of the best pants ever for traveling and warmer days. They are incredibly comfortable and a perfect alternative to jeans and khakis”. They run $128.
Macallan Scotch
We originally had a 25 year old Macallan Scotch on a train trip through Scotland and my husband loved, loved, loved it. I’m definitely not a scotch drinker so it was wasted on me. But when an important birthday was approaching, I knew I had to get him a bottle. But not just any bottle. I wanted at least a 25 year old like he tried. Little did I know how difficult and expensive my search would be.
So I enlisted the help of a friend who was traveling to the UK. Lo and behold, he found a bottle of 30 year old Macallan and brought it home for me. Well, as you can imagine, it was a huge hit. My husband generally only drinks it for special occasions or during periods of great stress and only shares with special friends.
There’s not much left in the original bottle and I’ve tried to replace it with little success. Oh, I have found a few online, but we’re talking well over $1000 which is a bit much for booze from my perspective! Luckily, someone recently got him a 12 year old bottle so that will have to do for now!
Faherty Clothing
We first came across the brand, Faherty, at their store in Malibu and fell in love. They are nicely made, great fitting, casual, and clothing that looks really good. My husband has several shirts and a pair of shorts. While I know this article is about the men in our lives, I also have a dress and sweater that I love! So women they make clothes for you, too!
We now can find the brand at a few local stores and even met one of the 2 twin brother founders, Alex Faherty, at a trunk show. Of course, you can buy the products online, too. The company, which has only been around since 2013, uses unique and sustainable fabrics, and have a definite beachy vibe. Oh, and did I say they’re very reasonably priced.
Cookbook of the week – Project Smoke
You ask, ” A cookbook during men’s week”? We say a resounding YES! In fact, my husband bought this cookbook for himself when he brought home the smoker. He not only bought the book, but then took sticky notes to mark up each recipe he wanted to make.
Project Smoke is written by Steven Raichlen. You’ll find starters to desserts. What we love most about the book is the detail. Each recipe has everything you need to know.
This includes hints on how to shop for the ingredients to what gear is best to use to tips and hints you need to make the perfect meal in your smoker.
What are Fabulous Finds for men in your life they can’t live without?

Sherry is one of the TriWivesClub and LifeDoneWell co-founders and contributes to multiple blogs. She is a former co-owner of the California Apparel News and had a career in the healthcare industry. Her passions include traveling, real food, the environment, and animal rescue/welfare. She lives a healthy lifestyle and has been a vegetarian since 1987. She and her husband are parents to two rescue pups and reside in Connecticut.