We have found over the years that living with a triathlete provides many unforgettable and often unbelievable statements that give pause. Some of what comes out of their mouths just has to be shared. But, we’ve also found it’s not just the triathlete that utters these comments; we’re often just as guilty as is the rest of the family. So, we decided in the spirit of being good trisupporters, we would share some of them. The series will continue as long as they keep coming. We have faith in our triathletes that you’ll see these for many more months ahead. Plus, we’re sure you have your fair share, too. So, get ready to spill.
- After commenting that I heard him clapping, screaming, and singing in the basement: It’s hard to entertain yourself in the basement for 3 hours on the bike. You go crazy I tell you. Crazy! I think it’s catching…
- Comment on the day before Super Bowl: Why do they start the Super Bowl so late? It’s messing with my Monday morning training. Luckily he knew early who was going to win, so it didn’t mess with his training…
- And from a family member: My boyfriend was laughing at this one – We were recently in Trader Joes and I wanted to pay my groceries all in cash. I was trying to add up all the items to make sure I didn’t go over and I kept getting it wrong and gave up (then he did it for me). But, on the way home I was like. Ok…so if my normal long run route is extended to end at your house…that is 8.3 miles plus 1.7 miles making it an even 10. Then, if I run at a 7:45 average pace that puts me at your house in 74 minutes and 30 seconds, so you can expect me in 75 minutes. Is that ok? He just stared at me. We call this the power of trimath and want to know if it’s passed down through the triathlete gene?
- When asked why he bought a new gear bag (many already in basement storing water bottles, etc.) said: It’s to use for Tribike Transport and it doubles as a backpack – actually showed me too – and then added: One does not need to justify triathlon spending. Plus, I liked the color.
- And from a triwife: It’s a good thing I have a triathlete for a husband and I’m used to getting up at 4:15 am for morning swims, runs, and rides, not to mention race day. Makes 6 am flights seem like a walk in the park. We, triwives, have to find the positive in all this you know, even if we have to stretch it a bit…
- Oldie but goody from another triwife at a race: So, are you going back to the hotel to shower and put on makeup for the finish line pictures with your husband? This is really what I said: Um, no. You bring makeup to races? And, why shower when you are going to hug a sweaty triathlete and help carry his gear? After looking at some of my pics, maybe she has the right idea…
- After yet another 3 hour bike ride in the basement (when will this winter end) AND my nose has been vindicated: Stay away from me I’m stinky. I can smell myself and that doesn’t happen very often. I’m only hoping you are smelling him as you read this and sharing in my pain…
- When returning home with a new fuel belt from the running store: This is the one Craig Alexander wears. Do you think it will make me run faster? I just hope that’s a rhetorical question and he already knows the answer.
- Triwife: David can you please take the morning off and help me? Trihubby: Later. Coach put in an optional workout that I HAVE to do. Another case of trihubby vs triwife speak…
- Heading out on a business trip to Suriname in South America….during the complex booking of the almost 24 hour day of flights and then meetings with his customer and another colleague…he says: I checked and there are three pools in the area – 2 are private and the 3rd had an iffy rating. I’ll need to swim somehow. Could it be that bad? OMG, do we really need to answer that one????

Sherry is one of the TriWivesClub and LifeDoneWell co-founders and contributes to multiple blogs. She is a former co-owner of the California Apparel News and had a career in the healthcare industry. Her passions include traveling, real food, the environment, and animal rescue/welfare. She lives a healthy lifestyle and has been a vegetarian since 1987. She and her husband are parents to two rescue pups and reside in Connecticut.
I need to start watching what I’m saying around the house. Giving you too much free material!
You can’t help yourself and I’m glad….
These certainly keep me entertained and great for Monday morning.
Hi Connie. Thanks. I think I already have February’s done and it’s only the 10th so stay tuned….
this is awesome haha
Did anything look familiar? haha
All too familiar, lol!
We figured we weren’t alone. If you have any quotes, we’d love to have them…..Thanks.