Traveling with a triathlete can be extremely trying. You have all the gear that they need for the race, plus you have to deal with the stress they’re under for racing. We’ve done this many times, so it has gotten a bit easier and we’re happy to share with you.

Here are my 10 quick tips for extended stays at a hotel with a triathlete:

1. Pick a hotel that has enough room for you, your athlete and all their triathlon stuff! Hotels with suites are the best and get a King room, giving you more floor space.

2. Ask the hotel for an old sheet to use for under your bike

3. Designate a tri area. It will keep it all in one place

4. Plastic containers are your best friend. I have trihubby pack all his different tri needs in these and it is easy to keep organized. My guy uses 3, one for bike tools and stuff, one for nutrition and one for everything else

5. Always pack a bottle brush, they do need a good cleaning each day

6. Mini-frig!

Beet juice before the race, champagne after.

Beet juice before the race, champagne after.

7. Always nice to have a full breakfast available and eat sunny side up or ask for one fresh egg scrambled into your veggies to assure you are getting real eggs

8. Local restaurants are always nice within walking distance

9. Make sure there is either a washer and dryer on site or laundry service available

10. Be flexible!

Follow TriWivesClub for more on this next week.