August 17, 2014
I am such a happy mother, most of the time. I mean, really like 95% of the time. And, the 5% of not happy times are bittersweet, as in taking the twins to college. Happy for them, but sad they will not be near me…ah, motherhood. So, getting fit at 46 today was about balancing my goals with my family life.
Last night when the twins got back from the Maha Music Festival, they decided the family should get up on Sunday, eat breakfast, and head out for Iowa walking! Okay truth – we live a mile from the bridge to cross the Missouri River into Iowa.
It sounded like a great idea to David and I and a chance to spend alone time with the kids. So, we have a Sunday breakfast of Zabar’s bagels and lox (yes we have to have them flown in, but they are so worth it – no real bagels in Omaha, because there is no NYC water here).
Then, we head off. It was to be a healthy walk, so only my Coach Max got to come; the two big dogs stayed home. The morning was perfect, with a breeze and my family, nothing more was needed.
We came home and had a wonderful “dress your own salad” made of leftovers. I put together a bowl of greens and then made a plate with leftover salmon, hard boiled eggs, cubed cheese from a snack earlier this week, green beans from last night’s dinner, and other veggies. Everyone dressed their salad their favorite way and seemed quite happy! When the twins were little, we used this trick to get them to try new things. We would say you have to put 4 items on your salad with 4 different colors. They remain very adventurous eaters to this day…
Well, the afternoon was down hill from there. But, as I’ve said before, our family doesn’t make it about food – we enjoy food and try to keep it real. I needed to keep it real and have a cupcake with my fellow Omaha Bloggers celebrating our First Birthday! It was good, really good, and so was I. I ate half of a cupcake and then walked up five flights of stairs to our home. That counts right?! It was a local dessert from Cupcake Omaha right here in the Old Market and it was oh, so yummy!
To me, Getting Fit At 46 is about balance and today, my family hike was my exercise. Would you count it or do you need to actually run or hit the gym to really call it exercise? I’m counting it…

Sherry is one of the TriWivesClub and LifeDoneWell co-founders and contributes to multiple blogs. She is a former co-owner of the California Apparel News and had a career in the healthcare industry. Her passions include traveling, real food, the environment, and animal rescue/welfare. She lives a healthy lifestyle and has been a vegetarian since 1987. She and her husband are parents to two rescue pups and reside in Connecticut.
I try to make sure my son does sports. We are in the beginning of his football season at the moment. He gets to go to football, I get to have gym time. It’s only fair 🙂 I also try to choose family activities that involve motion, like hiking…
Thanks Anna. Both of my kids are very active. My son does gymnastics and will swim in college. My daughter is a dancer. I’m with you on the family activities that involve motion & don’t seem like exercising.