August 18, 2014

Sometimes, it is just better to get up and get it done.  I mean, really, I am on a roll.  Today is Day 4 of my Getting Fit At 46, so why not head out in the dark to the trail in the pitch black…face some demons from race injuries past…

Trihubby had a day trip to Colorado today, so our morning was thrown off a bit with an even earlier than normal wake-up call, so he could get to the pool.  It was the one day I didn’t HAVE TO get up and get out the door, but that internal clock had me going…so, up and out for me before he came back.  One big plus, we got to enjoy breakfast together before he had to head to the airport.

I started off with a brisk 45 minute walk with my new walking group.

My new running group...

My new running group…

I dropped off the tired crew and then did a 30 minute run to the river and back.  Best part was, I still had time to shower before I enjoyed that yummy breakfast.  I had my bagel and grapefruit and hubby had his favorite rice cake with a poached egg and berries.  It was so nice to have that time to chill with him on a Monday morning.

Her breakfast, his breakfast, but shared together...

Her breakfast, his breakfast, but shared together…

I think, all in all this Getting Fit At 46 is going great.  Today, I conquered my fear of running in the dark.  Granted, living downtown, the streets are well-lit and there are so many runners sharing my space!  But, it still took facing my fear and conquering those personal demons.  I DID IT and it was a giant step forward for me!

Tomorrow will be dedicated to coming up with a plan to stay fit this week when we take the twins to school and spend time with family.  It will be a stressful time on multiple levels…



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