August 29, 2014
This morning we woke up and had so much time we did not know what to do with ourselves. David’s family gets up and gets going a bit later than we are used to and the meeting time to head to Mystic Seaport Museum was 10:15. By 6:45 AM, we were out the door to head for a run and get me back on track for getting fit at 46!
We are staying in a hotel right by the highway and the trail we thought was close by was down a road that had no sidewalk and large fast moving trucks. So, we hit the road in the other direction towards what looked like a residential area – not really. While David continued up the road – his pace is much faster than mine even as an injured triathlete – I turned into one of the neighborhoods. My run became a power walk.
The road I was on was well-paved, but very uneven and I didn’t see a soul around. It was an eerie feeling and I got nervous all over again. My old “fear of falling” feelings reemerged. Ugh… There was a conversation going on in my head about whether to go back to the hotel and get on a treadmill or continue on this path. Luckily, the “face my fear” conversation won out and I forged on. Besides, it was the most beautiful New England morning and it was a shame not to enjoy. Note to self: Time to REALLY conquer this fear of falling and soon!
So, I’m continuing on my power walk and come upon earthworms that need rescuing. Yes, you are reading correctly – earthworms that need rescuing!!!! I am not sure what happened, but as I came around the back side of the neighborhood near a pond, I found a slew of earthworms trying to, well, cross the road. I took a break, found a large stick, and one by one moved them to the dirt. Good deed of the day done – check.
I then headed back to the hotel and ran into David on the main road. Once back at the hotel, we enjoyed a nice free weight workout together in a very small corner of the “fitness center” of the hotel. After a shower, we packed up some food and went to the “dining” area to meet his family for breakfast. Yes, I packed up food for the dining room – read on…
We are staying at a Residence Inn by Marriott for the first time with his family. We were not sure what to expect food wise and came prepared. Boy, are we glad we did. The free breakfast was a waffle station, “scrambled eggs” (the kind from the gallon containers), sausage patties, breads, muffins, cereals, low-fat yogurts, and fruits.
Anticipating this might be the case, we stopped at a store in Northampton the day before to pick up food. We enjoyed tea and coffee and a fresh peach from the Northampton Farmers Market. I also packed our favorite raw macaroons and a bar, so we were covered. Believe me, we don’t get crazy about our food and do eat foods that we shouldn’t, but we try hard to avoid bad foods when we can in order to enjoy the splurges we REALLY want and that didn’t include this breakfast.
We then spent the afternoon wandering around Mystic Seaport Museum. It was just beautiful out and we enjoyed walking around and spending time with his family. For lunch, we sat outside and shared a wonderful salad of dark greens with lobster salad with very little mayo mixed in and a veggie wrap loaded with fresh veggies and hummus. And, okay, I confess. I also enjoyed a Cape Cod Cocktail…
While most of the family headed downtown to shop, David and I enjoyed a beautiful walk along the Mystic River. I have to say we’ve had a really good start to the David and Dana journey as empty nesters. Now we’re off to celebrate my in- laws 50 th wedding anniversary at Latitude 41...

Sherry is one of the TriWivesClub and LifeDoneWell co-founders and contributes to multiple blogs. She is a former co-owner of the California Apparel News and had a career in the healthcare industry. Her passions include traveling, real food, the environment, and animal rescue/welfare. She lives a healthy lifestyle and has been a vegetarian since 1987. She and her husband are parents to two rescue pups and reside in Connecticut.