You are going to love these Passover recipes! It’s all here…traditional main dishes, scrumptious sides, a Kosher Sangria, and sweet treats to end your meal in these 30 versatile Passover Recipes.
Of course, during Passover, it’s always nice to stick with tradition, but it’s also fun sometimes to try out some new passover recipes. Passover is a weeklong celebration that has a long history of tradition, but every family has their own special and unique take on this sacred holiday.
What is Passover?
Passover has been celebrated for generations and generations by Jewish people all over the world. It commemorates the Exodus of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt.
Called Pesach in Hebrew, the word originates in the Torah. It refers to both the Passover sacrifice, known as the Paschal Lamb, and also the idea that God passed over the homes of the Jews in the 10th plague.
In short, Passover is a celebration of freedom from slavery and the Passover Seder is the retelling of the story each year, so that we never forget. It is celebrated every spring during the Hebrew calendar month of Nissan and the date changes every year.
During this time, we do not eat any leavened food, like bread, pasta, cookies or pizza. This is because in their haste to leave Egypt, the Israelites could not let their bread rise, so they brought unleavened bread.
What is the Passover Seder?
The Passover Seder – the word translates to order – is a gathering on the first night of Passover in which we get together with family and friends, enjoy a feast, retell the story of Passover, and some sing songs.
Every family has their own Passover rituals, which may reflect family tradition or the denomination of Judaism.
For some, the ritual is done over many hours, while for others, it is much shorter. Some only gather the first night, while others gather on both the first and second nights.
But no matter the length, the importance lies in retelling the story.
How is the Passover Story told?
The story is told at the Seder table in the same order all over the world. What changes is the Haggadah, or Book of Exodus and other readings, that are gathered to tell the story. Over the years, many celebrants, my family included, have created our own Haggadah.
How long is Passover?
Passover is a 7 day festival. Why, you ask? Well, the Midrash explains that although the Jews left Egypt on the first day of Passover, they were pursued by the Egyptians until the parting of the Red Sea, which occurred seven days later.
Thus, although the Exodus started on the first day, it was not completed until the seventh day. We are, therefore, commanded to celebrate those seven days
What are the must haves on the Passover table?
There are many must haves at the Passover table to properly tell the story. And the Passover table is a full senses affair. We smell, we see, we feel, and we taste and there are many glasses of wine!
You must have a Haggadah, a Seder plate with all the proper foods and matzo.
Each item on the plate is symbolic for an aspect of Passover. For instance, the egg represents spring and the circle of life and bitter herbs represent the bitterness of slavery.
How to make Passover a family affair.
Before the twins could even sit, they were part of the Passover table. Over the years, we developed it into a family affair in two main ways.
First, we made sure each member of the family was responsible for a specific part of the meal and Seder. Second, we made sure that everyone leads and everyone participates in the Seder. Each person has their speciality.
The Passover Recipes
So, now that you know the Passover history, it’s on to the food. We’ve rounded up some of our favorite passover recipes for you and your family to try.
There are some super versatile recipes to make with Matzah, some great main courses and side recipes and let’s not forget some pretty sweet ways to end your Passover. There is even a Kosher Sangria recipe for you to enjoy.
Whether this is your first Passover Seder or you have been hosting for decades, these Passover Recipes feature something for everyone! To learn more about Passover, click here.
It's all here...traditional main dishes, scrumptious sides, a Kosher Sangria, and sweet treats to end your meal in these 30 delicious and versatile Passover Recipes. This Quinoa Recipe with Veggies is a fantastic side dish or main course! It's easy to make and can easily adapted to your tastes!30 Delicious and Versatile Passover Recipes
What are your favorite passover recipes?

I am a home cook that does things my way. In my kitchen, I make breakfast, pack lunches, prepare snacks, and cook dinner. During the week, we eat real food that is homemade, organic, and local. On the weekends we do explore more of our local restaurants. I bake my own bread, juice fresh oranges every other day, and make my own kombucha and other weekly favorites.