couscous tabouli recipe with feta

When spring rolls around, we have a few staples that come out of the recipe box. One of those is tabouli. We love the flavor, the texture, and how many different ways it can be served. Traditionally, spelt Tabbouleh is a Levantine vegetarian salad made with chopped vegetables and soaked bulgur. I swapped out the bulgur years ago and made a couscous tabouli recipe simply because my son was unable to eat the bulgur. I never added it back. Try it and you may just do the same!

Here are a few of our favorite ways to use tabouli:

  • As a side dish with our meal
  • As a main dish served with feta on top
  • As a section of a Mediterranean platter
  • As a dip with chips
  • In tacos with fish on top

quick and delicious couscous tabouli recipe

Quick and Delicious Couscous Tabouli Recipe

Feel free to make changes for your likes and dislikes.


  • 1 cup in-cooked couscous cooked as instructed with water
  • 2 tomatoes diced
  • 1 European cucumber diced
  • 2 heads of curly parsley diced
  • 1/2 cup fresh chopped mint
  • 1/4 cup fresh squeezed lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Add garlic, paprika, onion, green onion, or anything else you like

Now here is the hard part…

Take everything above and mix it together – Done!

Here are a few of our favorite ways to serve any leftovers…

  • Take mixed greens and top with tabouli, baked salmon, and fresh lime squeezed on top
  • Add chickpeas for a heftier lunch
  • Roll in a wrap with some lettuce and hummus
  • Toss in a salad
couscous tabouli recipe with chickpeas

Couscous tabouli with chickpeas.

And always remember…you can use soaked bulgar and spice it up however you would like.

What is your favorite tabouli recipe?