Being Saturday, getting up and going is always a bit tougher; even the dogs sleep in an extra hour. But, once we got up, we walked said dogs and finally installed our light over the bathtub – love those Saturday household chores!! By the way, installing the light counted as my arm workout for the day! While trihubby worked to install the light, I had to hold it above my head for 2 minutes at a time. My arms were literally burning, but man the light is pretty.
It’s so great how everyday activities can double as fitness and how often, you don’t even realize it until say, your arms start burning! Besides, getting fit at 46 literally requires flexibility, both the physical and mental types. Right?
We hit the Farmer’s Market, but were already an hour late. I like to get there early to get the best selections. (I did mention flexibility above, didn’t I – oops). At about 10:30, we finally pulled ourselves together to get a workout in. Trihubby jumped on his triathlon bike for the first time since being hit. MAJOR STEP FOR HIM and just one more indication that our lives can AND WILL get back to normal. I now had to decide what I was going to do.
One of the negatives of living downtown and running the trail on the weekend is the sheer number of people out there with you. If I don’t get out early, I get worried about tripping over someone or something. (Have to seriously work on this phobia post-fall). So, I decided that to both support my trihubby and allay my fears, I too, would do a bike workout; an only occasional part of my former workout routine. So, I hit the gym downstairs. But, to get my run fix in, I ran down the 5 flights of stairs to get there.
One thing I love about the recumbent bike is it allows me to multitask. Sometimes when I work out, I feel guilty that I’m spending time on me, when I have so many other people and “things” that require my time. Do you? I know it’s wrong and I have to take care of me….but still feel this way, unless it’s really early in the morning when the kids are asleep. Okay, shouldn’t have gone there – will only have kids around for another week. Off topic – back to the point…..With iPad in hand, the bike and I bonded. I had a great workout and got caught up on some blog posts from my favorite bloggers.
Multitasking on the recumbent bike reading TravelingMom.
We actually sat down for lunch and I didn’t even realize it was already 1PM. We made a big salad, beet kraut, and we tried some of the items from my husband’s line that we have not had yet; bratwurst, polish sausage, a Polynesian pork chop, and bone-in short ribs. It was really more of a tasting; we had a bite of each one to try.
As I sit here now, my daughter and I are munching on an afternoon treat of fresh peaches and she likes to dip hers in a little raw sugar. I’m skipping the added sugar, thank you. We love to slice our fruit and enjoy it slowly with a cup of tea. We find when we eat the fruit whole, we eat it too fast. This way, we savor each bite. I guess I could get philosophical here, but won’t. I will just enjoy the moment with my girls…

Sherry is one of the TriWivesClub and LifeDoneWell co-founders and contributes to multiple blogs. She is a former co-owner of the California Apparel News and had a career in the healthcare industry. Her passions include traveling, real food, the environment, and animal rescue/welfare. She lives a healthy lifestyle and has been a vegetarian since 1987. She and her husband are parents to two rescue pups and reside in Connecticut.
I clean the house once a week and feel like I get a great workout from it.
I know me too. Making lunch today I was hurdling sleeping dogs in the kitchen and I said to my husband, “high stepping over the dogs counts as a leg workout, right?