August 24, 2014
Wow, I never had an official work out today, but I sure as anything felt like I was getting fit at 46! Go figure…
We were moving the first of our twins into their college dorm today. I was really too anxious this morning to get out for a run, but that’s probably when you need it the most – to blow off those feelings. We were up early and mom made the twins her famous stuffed french toast and us, her perfect scrambled eggs.
I am not sure if it is just HER making them and NOT ME or if she sneaks in secret ingredients. Doesn’t matter as they are so delicious. A little of her homemade bread and I was good to go. One of the greatest things about traveling back home is having a professional chef as a mother who appreciates real food done right and simple.
We took off and I had every intention of working hard today carrying, lugging, and unpacking. Only the unpacking happened. Brandeis was so organized! We pulled up, they handed us water and healthy snacks, and before I could even get me and my purse out of the car, it was unloaded by student orientation leaders and delivered to my son’s room. I literally turned back to get my purse and everything was out of the car. I was full of tears, but wiped them off and headed up to his room.
Now the work started. Although it was Sam’s room, Sydney and I pushed him aside and got it done in an hour! Everything wiped down, the bed made, and boxes and suitcases unpacked. It was hot and there’s no AC in these northern dorms.
Sweaty and gross, but filled with happy anxiety, we were done and headed down to get his ID and other “stuff”. To pick up the books, we walked across campus down hill. Then back up! Then back down and then back up again. This definitely counts as my workout, right?
After a lovely meal on the school lawn and convocation, it was time for us to go, leaving Sam behind. More tears from me and we were off.
Tomorrow I hit the trails around Northampton and Smith College!
Life is life and I truly believe I will do my best at getting fit, but sometimes life gets in the way of a true workout and that’s ok. I let it go and feel no guilt…

Sherry is one of the TriWivesClub and LifeDoneWell co-founders and contributes to multiple blogs. She is a former co-owner of the California Apparel News and had a career in the healthcare industry. Her passions include traveling, real food, the environment, and animal rescue/welfare. She lives a healthy lifestyle and has been a vegetarian since 1987. She and her husband are parents to two rescue pups and reside in Connecticut.