Well, my 4 day detox cleanse on the Sakara Life program has come to an end. Click here to read about Days 1 – 3, if you haven’t been following. I made it through with relative ease and lost 3.4 lbs! The biggest issue was this undiagnosed craving I started having on Day 2. I really think it was for potato chips or something of that nature, but I was good and only cheated with 5 walnuts and coffee. Okay, I did have ONE glass of wine at a party last night. I was only 3.5 hrs away from the finish, so felt justified. While people around me were playing beer pong, refilling their glasses, and eating off the 6 foot dessert table, I sipped a glass of wine for almost 3 hours!!!! I was going to show the beer pong players, but decided not to embarrass anyone, so I’m showing a fireworks display instead. (You’re welcome, Ellie).
I’m going to digress from the cleanse, per se, for a moment and discuss something else that is important to me. It’s about one of the big reasons I started this – probably the main reason, if I’m honest. As the wife of a triathlete and a non-triathlete, I sometimes feel a little self-conscious about the way I look/body image. I do work out and watch what I eat (mostly – could do better – again, part of the reason for this whole cleanse). But, when your husband is exposed to so many gorgeous bodies, whether at the gym, reading triathlete magazines, or at an actual race, it’s hard not to think about it and compare or wonder if he’s comparing. I know when he asks about receiving the swimsuit issue of Triathlete magazine, he is joking, but it still hits at your ego. Do you guys ever feel this way?
I guess I just finally decided it was time to make an effort at getting back a version of my body I used to be comfortable in and not accept that I have no control to make a change. I’m tired of thinking about this on a daily basis, actually. For good or bad reasons, this is my start to get back those abs I used to see in the mirror. It will be interesting to see if my husband comments after reading this. Okay, enough said.
Back to the cleanse….
Here’s the menu for Day 4:
- Breakfast: Honey Maca Protein Pancakes
- Lunch: Mother Earth’s Cauliflower + Quinoa Bowl
- Dinner: A Night in Casablanca
All of the food was really good. I actually got two little pancakes with syrup for breakfast; a packed full of protein salad for lunch with roasted cauliflower (one of my favorites); and a nice salad with rose petals and sesame seeds for dinner. I learned so much about new foods through this cleanse, honestly. I now know what matcha, sriracha, bahn mi, and macaroot mean and probably will never have bahn mi and sriracha again. (You know they’re not common words when spell check highlights them all. But, then again it also highlights triathlete and suggests biathlete – what’s with that)! Macaroot, in case you didn’t know, just so happens to increase libido, fertility and stamina! Don’t everyone run out and buy macaroot now! Well, hey go ahead…..
- I lost 3.4 lbs over the 4 days, all while still eating solid food!
- This really served to kick start me back into eating fresh, whole foods again .
- Sitting here today, 1 day post cleanse, I am REALLY motivated to keep this up.
- I know I do have the willpower to sustain this. I just have to remember how I’m feeling at this moment. I’m pretty sure I can pass on the french fries the next time I have a chance to indulge or at least limit the portion. Now, a slice of pizza…..
- I would definitely do the program with Sakara Life again. I only had a couple of salads that were just okay. The breakfasts were definitely my favorites and I wish I could get recipes or just purchase breakfasts. It is expensive, so won’t be a too often indulgence.
- I’m actually thinking about eliminating dairy from my diet. I don’t eat that much now, but do love my cheese. I certainly didn’t miss it the past 4 days, so this pretty much shows me a vegan diet is easy AND tasty; albeit much easier when you have someone to fix it for you!! Again, my issue is breakfast, because right now my staple is greek yogurt. Will be working on this…
- I’ve done a liquid cleanse in the past and physically, the results did not seem any different. Now, I don’t know if internally one cleanse is better than the other or truthfully, if either is needed. But, if I ever do it again, I’m going with the whole foods!
So, there you have my story of a 4 day detox cleanse. I’d love to hear about your experience to compare.

Sherry is one of the TriWivesClub and LifeDoneWell co-founders and contributes to multiple blogs. She is a former co-owner of the California Apparel News and had a career in the healthcare industry. Her passions include traveling, real food, the environment, and animal rescue/welfare. She lives a healthy lifestyle and has been a vegetarian since 1987. She and her husband are parents to two rescue pups and reside in Connecticut.
I’ve only done the liquid cleanse and probably won’t do again. I lost a few pounds bit gained it all back. As you say, they’re good to kick start. Appreciate your honesty. Body image is always an issue for me.
Thanks for the comment, Anne. I agree.
You are an inspiration, Sherry! I love your resolve and your total and transparent honesty. That alone speaks volumes to the rest of us and how we should view our bodies and ourselves with respect, honor and care.
You’re so sweet. Thank you. While I have a positive self image, it’s hard seeing all those gorgeous bodies and not quite feeling that way. As long as I know I’ve made the effort to change, I’m good. Looking forward to tomorrow night!!!!!